Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Hemorrhoids, Treatments That Can Help You Cure it Without Surgery

                My Personal Experience with Hemorrhoids and THE CURE
Hemorrhoids affect millions of people all around the world. It affects people of all ages. I should know, I was one of those people. Until recently.

I tried just about everything there was to try and get rid of my hemorrhoids, like ointments and cremes, Nothing worked. Sure, some of the treatments helped sooth the itching and the burning, but every time I would have a bowel movement, the symptoms always returned. Now I don't know about you, but for me, the doctors the last place I want to go. I would go to the pharmacy in hopes that there was a new product that came out or that I may have over looked. Talk about desperate.

Well, after exhausting all my efforts in finding a quick fix, I broke down and made an appointment with my doctor. He said, I would have to have Hemorrhoidectomy surgery. Now I was really getting scared. After explaining what all he was going to do, I was a bit excited that I would finally be rid of the hemorrhoids. But It still was scary.

Now comes the reason I'm writing this story. I went home that afternoon and told my wife that the doctor was going to call tomarrow and let me know when the surgery was. She had suffered about as much as I did through this whole ordeal, so lets just say she was pretty happy I was finally going to be cured of my hemorrhoids.

That evening, I was surfing the web for information about the surgery and what others had to say about their surgery and that's when I saw an advertisement on this natural way to cure hemorrhoids. Yeah right! So I clicked on it any how, just to see what it was all about. Why not, I tried everything else. It was nothing I had ever tried, natural ways to get rid of hemorrhoids, wow, so I gave it a shot. Lets just say, I cancelled my surgery, and am pleased to say the hemorrhoids are GONE! that's right, GONE. It worked wonders for me, and Everything I used to do it came from the local grocery store.

For Full Details on what Worked for Me, and WILL Work for You, Click on THE CURE

Friday, February 12, 2010

Hemorrhoids affect Millions

Over 40% Of The Adult Population Will Suffer From Hemorrhoids. Are You Making Any Of These 3 Mistakes That Contribute To It?

Today, I wanted to alert you to something will afflict 40% of the adult population (or more) at some point of their lives. It's called hemorrhoids or piles and it's basically any form of vein inflammation around the lower rectal regions.

Blood on your toilet paper? Itching in your anus area? Pain during constipation? All of these are likely signs that you may have hemorrhoids and it's no laughing matter – because although common, they can be annoying and embarrassing.

In the more severe stages, they can fall out like a lump outside your bottom. So what are some common mistakes that people make which contribute to developing this common condition? Even if you have these already, avoiding the following 3 mistakes can start relieving the problem gradually.

Mistake #1:  Eating too much processed food

This can be a toughie for some people. However, it's known that processed foods create harder stool and troubles in digestion. This creates constipation and other issues which can lead to hemorrhoids. The key here, especially when you are suffering and trying to cure hemorrhoids, is to lower your intake of processed sugars and foods.

Mistake #2: Sedentary lifestyle

A lot of long term sitting can create additional pressure on the bottom area and this invokes the perfect environment for a hemorrhoid to occur if combined with a sharp force such as constipation or pregnancy (in women). The solution is to make sure you do not sit for over 1 hour at a time, and remember to do stretches that promote healthy blood flow.

Mistake #3: Intake of processed medication and creams

This creates the same potential problem as processed foods. Even many of the fiber supplements contain processed and artificial elements that can create side-effects elsewhere… and lastly they are not even attacking the root of the problem here.

The other downside of these creams which do no benefit is that they waste one's time and the hemorrhoid can get worse over time if the root problem is not reversed.

So try to avoid these 3 mistakes and you will not be contributing to any worsening of hemorrhoids. It's very important to understand these in our modern lifestyle of sedentary office work and processed, convenient diets.
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Thursday, February 11, 2010

How do I know I have Hemorrhoids??

The terrible pain and bright red blood in your stool might be an indication of hemorrhoids? Hemorrhoids bothers approximately 89% of all Americans during their lifetime.
What Are Hemorrhoids?
Located around the anus or lower rectum are swollen veins which are indicitive of hemorrhoids. Here are a few of the contributing factors of hemorrhoids:
-Straining to move stools
-Chronic Constipation
-Anal Intercourse
Where Are Hemorrhoids Located?
-Hemorrhoids are inside and above the anus (internal)
-Under the skin and around the anus (external)
-Hemorrhoids can arise from congestion of internal or external venous plexuses around the anal canal.
Here Are A Few Of The Symptoms Of Hemorrhoids?
-Internal hemorrhoids can show up as bright red blood in stool, in a toilet bowl and on toilet paper. It may also protrude through the anus outside the body, becoming irritated and painful. Maybe you have noticed symptoms like these in the bathroom.
-External hemorrhoids may include painful swelling or a hard lump around the anus that results when a blood clot forms.
Is Hemorrhoids Common?
Nearly half the American population will have hemorrhoids, by the age of 50. Most notably though hemorrhoids are common among pregnant women. If you have been pregnant or know someone who has had rectal problems during pregnancy then please read on.
The pressure of the fetus in the abdomen as well as hormonal changes can cause the hemorrhoid vessels to enlarge. During childbirth vessels can become enlarged causing hemorrhoids. The good news is that for most women who have hemorrhoids during their pregnancy are only faced with this problem temporarily.
How Are Hemorrhoids Diagnosed?
Colecterol cancer and hemorrhoids have similar symptoms so its important to tell them apart. The entire rectum can be seen by using a protoscope, or a anoscope can be used to see internal hemorrhoids. The doctor can look for swollen blood vessels that indicate hemorrhoids and will also perform a digital exam with a gloved lubricated finger to look for abnormalities.
How To Relieve Symptoms?
-Warm tub baths, plain warm water for about 10 minutes.
-Application of hemorrhoid cream to affected area
-Increase fiber and fluids in diets
-Eliminating the straining during a bowel movement
The information provided herein should not be construed as a health-care diagnosisFeature Articles, treatment regimen or any other prescribed health-care advice or instruction. The information is provided with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in the practice of medicine or any other health-care profession and does not enter into a health-care practioner/ patient relationship with its readers.
Article Tags: Have Hemorrhoids
Source: Free Articles from ArticlesFactory.com


Hemorrhoids can be a very painful and embarrasing problem that you don't have to go through. For more information go to http://www.born-again-health-and-fitness.com/hemorrhoid-symptoms.html The author is an expert on health and fitness.
For relief of hemorrhoids Click  HERE  now

Does Anyone know what causes Hemorrhoids?

  Hemroids usually happen when pressure increases in the veins of the pelvic and rectal regions. When the pressure in these areas goes up, blood pools up in the veins, causing them to swell. When the swollen veins stretch the tissue around them, this creates a hemorrhoid.
Bowel movements are common causes of  hemroids. If you are in a hurry and strain extra hard to complete a bowel movement, it can increase the pressure in the rectal area, causing hemroids. Constipation and continual diarrhea also create added pressure in bowel movements, causing hemroids

Being overweight can also increase your likelihood of developing hemroids. Extra, unnecessary weight increases pressure all over the body - including the pelvic and rectal areas. This creates the perfect conditions for hemroids to develop.

Pregnancy and childbirth can also be culprits in the development of hemroids. Blood flow to the pelvic and rectal area will  increase due to hormones during pregnancy; at the same time, tissues relax, creating the perfect combination for hemroids to flourish. The pushing that is necessary during labor will really increase pressure in the rectal area, often causing hemroids.

Certain medical conditions can also cause hemroids. However, they can occur for many reasons and they are very common. While they can be quite uncomfortable and extremely painful, hemroids are not usually a major cause for concern.
There is relief when it comes to the discomforts of Hemorrhoids.You don't need a prescription, or an embarrassing visit to the doctor. The answer is Here.

Can Caffeine and Alcohol Consumption Cause Hemorrhoids?

Hi, My name is John Mumaw. I've been researching Hemorrhoid Treatments for around fifteen years. I've found that finding treatments to help the pain is of great importance. But more importantly, finding out what causes them and preventing them from happening in the first place. This brings us to the post of whether Caffeine and Alcohol contribute to the causes of Hemorrhoids.
Hemorrhoids are a painful and irritating condition in which the veins around the lower rectum or anus are inflamed or swollen. The causes for hemorrhoids may be many, including obesity and pregnancy. The disease could also be caused by lack of exercise. Excessive use of caffeine and alcohol can also result in hemorrhoids, since these substances dehydrate the body.
Caffeine and Alcohol in Hemorrhoids
Caffeine works as a dehydrating agent and dehydration is among the prime causes of hemorrhoids. Therefore, caffeine works as an indirect causal agent. Hence, to prevent hemroids, avoid consuming foods with excessive caffeine, such as coffee and energy drinks.
Hypertension also causes hemorrhoids. Although caffeine increases blood pressure, it is not known to cause hypertension. Similarly, alcohol does not directly cause hemorrhoids, but is an indirect agent. Alcohol is a diuretic that causes dehydration and resultant constipation. Since constipation is among the root causes of hemorrhoid development, avoiding alcohol can prevent hemroids.
Alcohol causes dehydration through increased urine production. Hence, it is important to make up for the lost water through increased water consumption. Dehydration caused by alcohol is often worsened when you follow it with a cup of coffee. This is because coffee is also a diuretic, and the two combine to worsen constipation and hemroids. So, the only solution to prevent hemroids is to avoid coffee and alcohol, and drink lots of water to maintain hydration.
Hemorrhoids: Preventive Measures
If you cannot quit alcohol or caffeine, then you should at least reduce their consumption. Those already suffering from hemorrhoids must avoid consuming food items containing these, so that the condition is not aggravated. That is, it is possible to prevent hemroid development or aggravation through effective dietary changes.
Hemroids caused by dehydration can be cured by drinking at least eight glasses of water everyday. Vitamin supplements and fiber rich vegetables, along with sufficient exercise and proper sitting posture, can prevent hemroid development. Since natural treatments for hemorrhoids have fewer side effects, they are preferred over other treatment methods.
Awareness about the factors leading to hemroids can help prevent the development of this painful condition. If you are looking for tips on the right kind of lifestyle that can prevent hemorrhoid development, you must visit Hemroids Info. The website http://www.hemroidshemorrhoids.net/ provides comprehensive information on all aspects of the problem, right from its causes to prevention, symptoms and treatment.
Article Source: http://www.ArticleBlast.com
About The Author:

Know more about Causes of Hemorrhoids - Get the complete information about causes and symptoms of hemorrhoids including include genetic predisposition, excessive time and straining during bowel movements, and chronic bowel straining.